User Posts: Aparajeeeta Das

There seems to be a glimpse of hope after the US Copyright Office launched a public opinion search to inform how it will grant copyrights for AI-generated art ...

Artificial Intelligence is transforming industries across the globe, revolutionizing the way businesses operate and opening up new opportunities for growth and ...

Customer service has substantially changed in the quick-changing digital world, and self-service assistance is now an essential component of the customer ...

AI is revolutionizing the business landscape in Africa, presenting exciting opportunities for small businesses. From improved productivity to personalized ...

Judge Beryl Howell delivered a ruling that will twist the arms of AI system developers in their quest for copyrights. An application by Stephen Thaler sought ...

Service robots have transformed industries and ordinary jobs in the not-so-distant past from being viewed as a far-fetched science fiction ideal to becoming an ...

The 47-year-old Ann who lost her voice due to a stroke has it back after Artificial Intelligence restored her ability to speak. Not all who suffer a ...

The possible move by The New York Times to sue OpenAI could mean complete doom for ChatGPT with a possible $150,000 for each piece of infringement.

After scrapping 30 billion images from Facebook, the company now claims 100% accuracy. Despite these claims, the company CEO, Hoan Ton-That would not take the ...

AI has profoundly impacted the workplace, bringing about significant improvements across multiple dimensions. From automation of repetitive tasks to enhanced ...

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