
You probably have wishes for your childhood or youth when you have the energy to push limits. President Joe Biden made a joke of being AI in his announcement ...

Google AI’s latest move towards embracing diversity and inclusion has brought Swahili to Bard, opening up a world of possibilities for Swahili speakers. This ...

With no doubt, AI has revolutionized the interaction between humans and technology. Replika the AI therapist serves as a source of emotional support and mental ...

AI Language learning chatbots are fast decimating other language companions. With AI Chatbots like virtual companion Replika proving significant in practicing ...

Editor choice

I must confess that what we’re seeing today with Artificial Intelligence hype was fiction in the ‘90s. Back then, what jerked our bellies was downloading the ...

DeepMind CEO, Demis Hassabis expressed confidence that Gemini, the new Google AI will surpass other large language models including OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

In its early stages, there are promising results that can give hope to relatives and friends of more than 43,000 men and women who lose their loved ones due to ...

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